7 Sustainable Things To Do To Celebrate Earth Day
This year’s Earth Day is coming up, and so we wanted to share with you some of our favourite ways to celebrate this eco-conscious occasion.
2021’s Earth day will take place on Thursday 22nd April. After all the upheaval of the past year, many of us are turning our attention to the environment, and how the pause to our usual lifestyles has benefitted the planet.
With cars parked, trains stopped and pollution plummeting, the environment has been given a chance to flourish. It’s remarkable to see how much we impact the world around us. It’s a potent reminder of the power that we hold as humans - to either help or hinder the planet.
So, this Earth Day, we urge all of our customers to join in with the global celebrations. We can champion sustainability and promote more eco-friendly practices by taking part in this year’s Earth Day activities.
We’ve dedicated this blog post to all-things-eco - we’ll be explaining what Earth Day is, and then sharing our top 7 ways ideas for Earth Day, which includes lots of great ways for you and your family to get involved with the occasion.
What is Earth Day?
Earth Day is an annual global event, which celebrates the practice of being environmentally friendly.
The annual date is set at the anniversary of the beginnings of our modern environmental movement (which started in the year 1970).
Earth Day encourages people across the world to adopt more eco-friendly habits, and consider how to live sustainably in their daily lives.
So, with this in mind, below you’ll find our 7 favourite, simple ideas for Earth Day.
7 sustainable ways to celebrate Earth Day
These 7 eco-conscious ideas are great, simple ways for you and your family to join in with this year’s Earth Day. What’s more, they’re ideas that you can take with you for the rest of the year, too - after all, Earth Day is all about reconsidering our practices, and making thoughtful eco-friendly swaps.
So, if you’re wondering how to live sustainably, read on for our favourite, simple ideas.
1. Wear a sustainable face mask
This is a great way to cut down your single-use plastic usage.
Did you know that, a piece of research undertaken by Science mag found that, ‘if the global population adheres to a standard of one disposable face mask per day after lockdowns end, the pandemic could result in a monthly global consumption and waste of 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves.’
In fact, a report from The Guardian stated that in the UK alone, it is estimated that 53 million single-use face masks are being thrown away every single day.
Furthermore, the Wired website stated that the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK is causing ‘a boom in single-use plastics’. This includes a huge increase in protective medical gear, as well as plastic food packaging and single-use plastic gloves.
As such, one key way that you can adopt more sustainable practices is by buying a reusable face mask.

With a Cambridge Mask Co. face mask, you can drastically cut down your plastic usage. Our face masks are reusable, washable and can be used for 340 hours.
In addition, you can achieve this while also using a face mask which boasts the highest possible level of safety against pollution and viruses. Talk about a win-win.
2. Bring your own water bottle
How many of us buy a plastic water bottle, drink it, then bin it, just like that?
Almost all of us are guilty of doing this when we’re out on the go. But, we don’t pay enough consideration to just how wasteful this is.
We’re contributing to the massive problem of plastic waste by disposing of a water bottle that we’ve only used once.
Thankfully, there’s a great, simple way to rectify this - get into the habit of bringing a reusable water bottle with you when you’re out and about. That way, you won’t need to resort to buying single-use plastics.
3. Bring your own cutlery
Sticking on the same theme, reusable cutlery is another eco-conscious staple. Takeaway, on the go food and drinks are massive contributors to the single-use plastic problem.
So, do your bit to limit your single-use plastics usage by investing in some reusable, biodegradable bamboo cutlery.
4. Bring your own takeaway food container
The next food-focused item on our list is reusable food containers. A reusable, sturdy piece of tupperware will stop you from having to resort to styrofoam takeaway boxes or sandwiches that are boxed up in excessive amounts of plastic.
What’s more, if you can use these containers to bring your own food from home, then you’ll save yourself a lot of money, too!
5. Bring your own travel coffee mug
We’ve spoken a lot about the wasteful plastic usage that the food and drink industry is responsible for, but takeaway hot drinks are one of the biggest culprits.
Doing our bit to stop this wastefulness is easy. Nowadays, there are loads of stylish, affordable and durable reusable travel mugs available for you to choose from.
6. Bring your own grocery tote bag
Who actually needs a flimsy plastic carrier bag from the supermarket? These bags are binned within a couple of hours - what a waste!
So, ready for your next supermarket trip, invest in a reusable grocery tote bag. They’re a great, super simple way to make your daily routine more environmentally friendly.
Remember to wear your mask while you’re doing your shop!
7. Give your family a sustainable mask
If you want to give your family a thoughtful little Earth Day present, a reusable face mask is the perfect sustainable gift.
Just think how many single-use face masks you’d be saving by giving your family reusable alternatives!
If you’re looking for the perfect eco-conscious, washable face mask to celebrate Earth Day, we’ve got you covered. You can find our full reusable face mask range on the Cambridge Mask Co. online shop.