4 Benefits of Running even if there is Pollution
4 Benefits of Running If You Live in Areas Affected by Air Pollution
Benefits of cycling and running not only outweigh the air pollution the risks but can also prove as a beneficial tool to tackle the pollutants. The popularity of running is increasing, and people are not giving up on the idea of healthy outdoor exercises yet. Recently, Beijing Marathon took place regardless of the hazardous pollution levels.
The air pollution in the UK claims over 40,000 lives per year. The results are no surprise, considering most of the cities around the world have poor air quality.
With increased industrialisation and other factors, the number of polluted cities is on the rise. Chances are you are already living in one, and wondering how it affects your lungs and workouts.
Let's find out the best reasons to run, even if your city is polluted.
1. Improved Brain Health
In areas where air pollution is common, your lungs, heart and brain are most at risk. Neurotrophin is a brain hormone that is one of the major factors responsible for brain health. With running, this hormone release is activated and can counter some of the bad effects of air pollution.
2. Healthier Lungs Breathing
The health of your lungs can improve drastically with running. The more you breathe in and breathe out, the more your lungs will expand. This will increase your blood's ability to carry more oxygen, resulting in a plethora of health benefits.
3. Detoxification
The one thing that you cannot escape while living in a polluted area is getting toxins into your body. Running is the best way to sweat it out and get rid of all the toxins accumulated in your skin, fat, and blood. You can also add foods that safeguard you from air pollution, to improve the results of running.
4. Lowers Risk of High Blood Pressure
Apart from lung diseases, air pollution can cause elevated blood pressure and heart complications. Running strengthens your heart, lessening the chances of a heart attack and helps your arteries retain their elasticity.
Getting people off from their cars and onto the roads and bikes can further contribute to an improved air quality. You should know when to exercise and for how long to outweigh the harmful effects of air pollution. To further improve the output of running, you should avoid roads and steer clear of areas where the concentration of airborne pollutants are higher.
Educating yourself about your community's air quality and pollution levels with AirVisual Earth will help you schedule your running at the time of least effect. You can also don a mask and take antioxidants regularly to decrease the effects of air pollution further.

In the end, running, even in cities where there is significant air pollution, is a great way to keep your heart, lungs, and brain healthier. Choosing the best time to run, avoiding traffic, and taking remedies to tackle air pollution can help when living in areas with high air pollution.