Twenty-first-century building techniques mean that many buildings are safer than ever, but more tightly sealed.
This means that very little in the way of fresh air can get in, or out. Keeping our homes and offices well aired is important so that pollutants don’t linger. It’s also important from the perspective of making sure issues like damp and mould do not start to become a problem either. The impact of damp and mould on a home or workspace can be detrimental not only to the fabric of a building but also on your health too. Here are just a few ways to stop it from becoming an issue.
How to stop damp and mould becoming an issue
Make sure your home or office has good ventilation. Every day, open any windows or skylights within your property. Try to keep them open or on ventilate if you’re in the house a lot. If you’re in and out open them for half an hour or so several times a day. This is especially important if you’re cooking, using the shower or drying laundry indoors, whatever the season.
Be condensation aware
Cold and wet UK weather and older houses are a bit of a no-win combination when it comes to the issue of damp and mould. Damp, from cooking, bathing and laundry can lead to condensation forming, which then leads to issues with mould and fungus. Condensation is most likely to occur in cold places in a house. It also happens in office space such as bedrooms or rooms with external walls.
If your home is already damp, you may generally feel under the weather, with cold or flu-like symptoms including shortness of breath.
If you spot condensation forming in any rooms, the best course of action is to wipe it away and dry the surfaces off with a microfibre cloth. Make sure rooms are well ventilated and heated properly in Winter to keep them warm and dry.
Here are some other tips to prevent condensation and so prevent damp and mould from growing and spreading:
Do your best to prevent leaks from your roof. Repair any water damage immediately.
Keep your rooms well ventilated
Always use an extractor fan when cooking or showering, to suck moisture out of the air. Close your kitchen door when cooking or bathroom door when showering or bathing
Dry your washing outside as often as possible. If this isn’t possible, then dry in a room with a window on ventilating.
Wipe down windows every day to prevent condensation
Remove mould as soon as you see it, either with professional help or using special store-bought products that tackle mould specifically.
If you have bad damp, mould or fungi, get professional help so that the issue can be sorted out properly. This is especially important if you think it might trigger problems with breathing or other health concerns. If you are experiencing breathing difficulties or problems with breathlessness, choosing to wear a Cambridge Mask can help.
Keeping your home at a reasonable temperature
Throughout the year the temperature you’ll need to keep your home will vary - in Winter, the heating will need to be on a lot, in Summer (unless it’s a great British washout) not so much. However, keeping your home at a constant nineteen or twenty degrees Celsius year-round is one way to keep the fabrication of your building safe and dry, and also prevent issues with dampness and spread of mould. Often it is constant temperature fluctuations that can cause these problems to begin.